Reskyt has developed the App and the Web of the City Council of Bellvís and els Arcs.

Reskyt has developed the App and the Web of the City Council of Bellvís and els Arcs.

Apart from a very high number of features in terms of technology, we show you some of the most important advantages that the RESKYT platform can offer to municipalities:

It is a great contradiction that practically 100% of citizens with a profile of 15 to 50 years carry a cell phone on them, however the municipalities do not have their website adapted to mobile. Reskyt allows to adapt any website to mobile format very easily and with very low costs.

With the traditional web only the citizen is the only one who can interact with the City Council. Reskyt allows the City Council can also communicate with citizens in a very easy, modern and immediate way through Push Notifications. This allows us to create a bidirectional system of interaction as it can offer news, announcements, deaths, holiday programs, etc..

93% of people who have a Smartphone are users of the most common social networks. Reskyt allows interaction with any of the most popular social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc.

Not only with the most common social networks, but also with the most used communication system in the world, WhatsApp, since Reskyt allows users to easily share web content through this application.

The events agenda will allow us to keep the citizens informed of any event that will take place in the town with all the margin of time you want and entering all the information you want to give it.

The platform incorporates the possibility of creating forms of all kinds. An example could be a form for infrastructure complaints from the population, where a citizen could enter the text of the problem and include a photograph of the corresponding deficiency (e.g. a road in poor condition...).

Bulletin board where you could communicate all kinds of information of general interest, such as job offers of companies in the town, public offers for occupation of public roads, calls in general, City Council meetings, etc..