Tiendanimal already has its App created with Reskyt.

Tiendanimal already has its App created with Reskyt.

At Reskyt we are very happy to announce the new App we have created for Tiendanimal, eCommerce leader in its sector. You can download the App on your mobile by clicking on the following link: or by searching for Tiendanimal on the download platforms Google Play, App Store or Windows Phone.

Reskyt allows you to create an App from any responsive eCommerce without modifying the source code. Ideal for all those eCommerce that do not want to invest large resources both financially and in terms of personnel. The end result is an App that is synchronized with the content of the eCommerce, plus a shortcut menu. If desired you can customize a home page with images of access to categories and subcategories of eCommerce.

One of the greatest satisfactions of all our customers, as it has also been in the case of Tiendanimal, is that the creation of the App has been developed in a very professional and fast way. But above all, the incentive that makes it an exceptional product, is that any type of content update, price or design changes made in the eCommerce, is synchronized in real time in the user's App. 

In this way, any eCommerce can offer a new sales and loyalty channel to its customers without any duplication of content. In addition, you will also have a new communication channel, as you will be able to send push notifications with promotions to all users who have downloaded the App and with very powerful segmentation filters: by form, by geolocation and by information from your CRM.

If you have an eCommerce created in Prestashop, Magento, Woocommece or any other platform and you want to have your own APP, do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected] or 902 731 998.